Daily Archives: November 13, 2012


Now it appears as though General John Allen, Commander of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, is under investigation.  This time it is for alleged “inappropriate communications” with Jill Kelley, the woman who is said to have received threatening emails from Paula Broadwell, the woman with whom former CIA Director David Petraeus had an extramarital affair.

The FBI (there’s that organization again) has uncovered “potentially inappropriate” emails between Allen and Kelly, according to a senior U.S. defense official who is traveling with Defense Secretary & Politician, Leon Panetta.  The department is currently reviewing between 20,000 and 30,000 documents connected to this matter, the official said.  The email exchange between Kelley and Allen took place from 2010 to 2012.  Does any (non-retarded) person actually believe for one second that there would be (could be) 20 to 30 THOUSAND documents?  That, in itself, is laughable.  Panetta is such a WOP!  …but that’s another story for another time.

Panetta, the WOP, says the FBI (there’s that organization again) referred the matter to the Pentagon on Sunday, according to a statement released Tuesday.  Panetta, the Democrat Politician, says he ordered a Pentagon investigation of Allen on Monday.

Petraeus Sex Scandal: New Details

While Allen disputes that he has engaged in any wrongdoing in this matter, according to the official, innocence will make little difference in this case.

Allen, a four-star Marine general, succeeded Petraeus as the top American commander in Afghanistan in July 2011.

In the meantime, Panetta, the Politician, said Allen’s nomination to be the next commander of U.S. European Command and the commander of NATO forces in Europe has been put on hold “until the relevant facts are determined.” He had been expected to take that new post in early 2013, if confirmed by the “Democrat” Senate, as had been widely expected.

Panetta, the Democrat Politician, said that the Kenyan has agreed to put Allen’s nomination on hold until the relevant facts are determined.  Panetta, the Democrat, said that while the matter is being investigated by the Defense Department Inspector General (who reports to Panetta), Allen will remain in his post as commander of the International Security Assistance Force, based in Kabul.

Petraeus resigned as CIA director on Friday. 

It is alright for a Democrat Scumbag to have sex with a child, perjure himself to Congress, and to get impeached, but it is not alright for a General to send emails.  The truth will come out.  The entire truth will come out.  It always does.  Meanwhile, the Kenyan (prior to having his elections rigged and becoming a paid politician) never qualified to serve, nor entertained the idea of serving this country in any way.  He was hanging out in gay bars in Chitown when these two Generals were sacrificing for our freedoms.   

This is beginning to look like a purge of our military leadership.  There are other officers being quietly removed, and it is becoming obvious that the group in charge is now coming out of the closet.  Overtly acting more and more like a pack of Democrat wolves, snug in the knowledge that they just stole an election.  Are these people forgetting the American citizen?  Are they so brazen as to take the well armed citizen for granted?  Do they no longer fear their masters? 

Will they replace the honorable Generals with others who would willingly, in exchange for positions, follow their orders?  Regardless of the legality of those orders?  Would the new Generals dare to declare martial law, or other illegal acts on behalf of these temporary civilian officials?  Worse yet, would these ‘replacements’ be so crazy as to blindly follow orders resulting in the harm to, or detention of, just one innocent American citizen?  One thing is becoming evident.  One common denominator.  Whether it has to do with bailouts, banking, foreign policy, massacres, or this case, the FBI is always around.  To enact his will on others, it has become this President’s go-to agency.  Even to the exclusion of the CIA.  But, what is going on?


Posted by on November 13, 2012 in Uncategorized